KNOW ABOUT LORD MAHAVIRA is popular PDF and ePub book, written by Saurabh Singh Chauhan in 2023-10-30, it is a fantastic choice for those who relish reading online the Biography & Autobiography genre. Let's immerse ourselves in this engaging Biography & Autobiography book by exploring the summary and details provided below. Remember, KNOW ABOUT LORD MAHAVIRA can be Read Online from any device for your convenience.


Biography of Lord Mahavira The 24th Tirthankara of Jainism. Introduction to Lord Mahavira Journey with us into the heart of ancient wisdom, where a radiant soul named "Lord Mahavira" graced the world as the 24th Tirthankara of Jainism. In the vast tapestry of human history, Jainism stands as a timeless philosophy, offering guidance and insight into the path of enlightenment. The early life of Lord Mahavira, also known as Vardhamana, was marked by wealth and privilege. He was born around the 6th century BCE in “Kundagrama”, a small town in present-day Bihar, India. Here are some key points about his early life: Birth and Family: Lord Mahavira was born into the royal family of King Siddhartha and Queen Trishala. His birth name was Vardhamana, which means "one who grows" or "prosperous." Wealth and Luxury: As a prince, Lord Mahavira lived a life of luxury and abundance within the palace. He was provided with all comforts and material possessions. Compassionate Nature: Even from an early age, Vardhamana displayed a compassionate and empathetic nature, showing concern for all living beings. Marriage: As he grew older, Vardhamana got married to Princess Yashoda and had a daughter named Anojja. Seeking Truth: Despite the opulent lifestyle, Vardhamana became increasingly discontented with the material world and sought answers to the deeper questions of life, including the nature of suffering and the path to liberation. Decision to Renounce: At the age of 30, Vardhamana renounced his princely status and all worldly possessions, including his clothing, to embark on a life of asceticism and spiritual seeking. This event is known as "diksha" or initiation. Pursuit of Enlightenment: For the next 12 and a half years, Lord Mahavira practiced rigorous self-mortification, fasting, and meditation to attain spiritual enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of birth and death (samsara). Attainment of Kevala Jnana: At the age of 42, Lord Mahavira achieved Kevala Jnana, or supreme enlightenment, becoming a Tirthankara and acquiring omniscience. After attaining enlightenment, Lord Mahavira spent the rest of his life as an enlightened teacher, propagating his teachings and principles of Jainism to the world. His teachings continue to be central to the Jain faith and serve as a source of inspiration for millions of followers. Understanding Jainism and its Tirthankaras Imagine a tree with branches reaching to the sky, each branch representing a Tirthankara a spiritual guide who illuminates the way to inner peace and knowledge. Jainism, a peaceful and ancient tradition, holds twenty-four such Tirthankaras in its embrace. These spiritual beacons, through their teachings and noble lives, help seekers find light in the midst of life's challenges. Among these illustrious Tirthankaras, Lord Mahavira shines as a gem of profound wisdom. Born in the sacred land of India, he graced humanity with his presence over two and a half millennia ago. Jainism, with its roots stretching back to antiquity, is a philosophy centered around non-violence, compassion, and the pursuit of truth. It beckons us to live in harmony with all living beings and discover the truth that lies within us. Birth and Early Life of Lord Mahavira In the realm of history, there exists a moment when a great soul takes its first breath, marking the beginning of an extraordinary journey. Lord Mahavira's life began in royal splendor, as he was born to King Siddhartha and Queen Trishala. This auspicious event took place in the ancient city of Vaishali. From an early age, it was clear that Lord Mahavira's path would be exceptional. As a young prince, he was exposed to the riches of the world, yet his heart remained untouched by the allure of material possessions. Deep within, a yearning for spiritual truth began to stir. The echoes of his birth and upbringing reverberate through time, reminding us that even amidst privilege, the call of the soul can lead us toward a higher purpose. The young prince's journey would take him far beyond the palace walls, guiding him toward the profound enlightenment that awaited. As we step into the realm of Lord Mahavira's life, we are invited to explore not only the events that shaped his existence but also the universal truths he revealed. In the chapters that follow, we will trace his footsteps as he embarked on a transformative quest, a journey that would illuminate the path for countless seekers in the ages to come. So, as we delve deeper into the life and teachings of Lord Mahavira, let us open our hearts and minds to the wisdom that flows from this ancient wellspring. Through his story, we shall discover the timeless principles that have the power to illuminate our own lives, guiding us toward a greater understanding of ourselves and the world around us.


  • Author : Saurabh Singh Chauhan
  • Release : 30 October 2023
  • Publisher : Saurabh Singh Chauhan
  • ISBN : 978186723xxxx
  • Genre : Biography & Autobiography
  • Total Page : 105 pages
  • Language : English
  • PDF File Size : 21,6 Mb

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