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CNN 2019 8 No 227 Book PDF Summary

〔新聞:時事、新知〕 〔適合對象:準備出國、生活中需要大量使用英語、TOEIC ,TOEFL考試準備者〕 CNN互動英語是全國唯一CNN官方授權,最道地的英語教材,大專院校老師一致推薦。內容豐富含財經政治、文化旅遊、體育娛樂等,每月給提供最新的全球大事,和您一起開啟英語世界的大門! ►購買完整紙本書請上: Fantastic Dark Angel 好萊塢甜心天使潔西卡.艾芭 談演藝事業 Jessica Alba Talks about Her Acting Career in Hollywood JESSICA ALBA AS GAIL, “CAMP NOWHERE” Geez, Mud. How much you got in there? JONATHAN JACKSON AS MORRIS “MUD” HIMMEL, “CAMP NOWHERE” Well, it’s a lot. I mean, it’s everybody’s money for the whole summer. ANNA COREN, “TALK ASIA” Jessica Alba first made her name as an actress at age 13 when she debuted1 in the teen movie Camp Nowhere, but her big break came when director James Cameron picked her for the lead in the TV series Dark Angel. While the show only lasted two seasons, the role got Alba nominated for a Golden Globe in 2001. Alba went on to star in big Hollywood films, including the neo-noir Sin City, Marvel’s superhero flick Fantastic Four … JESSICA ALBA AS SUE STORM / INVISIBLE WOMAN, “FANTASTIC FOUR” Reed, look at me. ANNA COREN, “TALK ASIA” … and action thriller Into the Blue. Well, you started acting as a child. Was that something you always wanted to do? JESSICA ALBA, ACTRESS It was. You know, I … my parents always allowed me to dream big and, in fact, encouraged it, especially my mom—my mom and my dad. And my dad recently said to me; he goes, “I don’t know if you remember, but I was the one that told you to never rely on a man and for you to be independent, and make your own money.” And he goes, “Do you remember that?” And I … in my mind, I always thought it was my mom, but I was like, “You’re right, Dad. It was you.” At age 11, when I decided I really wanted to try and be an actress, they allowed me to do it. ANNA COREN, “TALK ASIA” Well, in 1998, you got your big break when director James Cameron cast you in the TV series Dark Angel. They auditioned a thousand girls and chose you. So, clearly, he saw something very special in you. Was that life-changing? JESSICA ALBA, ACTRESS A-hundred-percent life-changing, yeah. And James [is] still, like, in my life, and he’s a mentor of mine, for sure. ANNA COREN, “TALK ASIA” You were nominated for a Golden Globe as well. JESSICA ALBA, ACTRESS I was, and that was actually the first time I wore heels. It was. ANNA COREN, “TALK ASIA” Really? JESSICA ALBA, ACTRESS And when I went to the Golden Globes … yeah … and my brother was my date, and everyone thought my brother was this actor named Benjamin Bratt, and he was so excited. Yeah, and I actually wore this little unknown designer named Marc Jacobs … ANNA COREN, “TALK ASIA” No way! JESSICA ALBA, ACTRESS … a strapless Marc Jacobs. So, I remember the dress like it was yesterday. I remember the little kitten heel. And I was, like, “Oh god, I hope I don’t twist my ankle.” ’Cause I was, like, I was a tomboy—I never really dressed like that. ANNA COREN, “TALK ASIA” That’s fantastic. Well, I guess this, you know, launched your career. You appeared in the Sin City films and [were] touted as this sex symbol, but did you feel that you were being typecast and that people had certain preconceptions of who you were? JESSICA ALBA, ACTRESS You know, I think any young ingénue coming up in the business, you know … they sort of put you all in that cast who was … that thing, and then you … you know, people … you know, depending on what role you’re doing, or what magazine you’re helping sell or what movie you’re helping sell. You know, it’s just, sort of, the spin, right? Girls wanna be your best friend and guys wanna date you, and that’s just, kind of … that’s the thing of the leading lady. So, I’m very grateful that I got to live the life that I got to live and [for] all the opportunities that it afforded me, for sure. ANNA COREN, “TALK ASIA” Do you miss acting? JESSICA ALBA, ACTRESS I do. Yeah, I do. And it’s … yeah, it’s sort of, like, that … again, it’s like that piece of my heart. It’s like a love. ANNA COREN, “TALK ASIA” So, what sort of role would you like to do in the future? JESSICA ALBA, ACTRESS You know, it’s weird. I love doing action. ANNA COREN, “TALK ASIA” Yeah. JESSICA ALBA, ACTRESS Yeah, I really do. I hope I get to do com. I like to make people laugh. I like to do action. Drama and … you know, is fun as well, but I really like … I like the comedy and I like the action. ANNA COREN, “TALK ASIA” Well, we hope to see you back on that … on the big screen. 《瘋狂夏令營》 蓋兒(潔西卡.艾芭 飾) 天啊,泥巴。你那裡面有多少? 《瘋狂夏令營》 莫里斯. 「泥巴」.希梅爾(喬納生.傑克遜 飾) 嗯,很多。我是說,這是大家整個夏天的錢。 《亞洲名人聊天室》 安娜.柯倫 潔西卡.艾芭最早是在十三歲時以演員身分打出名號,那時候她在一部青少年電影《瘋狂夏令營》中初次登場,不過當導演詹姆斯.卡麥隆選她擔任電視影集《末世黑天使》的主角時,她才嶄露頭角。儘管這個節目只持續了兩季,這個角色讓艾芭在二○○一年時獲得金球獎提名。 艾芭繼續在好萊塢大片中擔綱演出,包括新黑色電影《萬惡城市》、漫威的超級英雄片《驚奇4超人》…… 《驚奇4超人》 蘇.史東暨隱形女(潔西卡.艾芭 飾) 瑞德,看著我。 《亞洲名人聊天室》 安娜.柯倫 ……還有驚悚動作片《深海尋寶》。 你就小開始演戲。那是你一直想做的事嗎? 演員 潔西卡.艾芭 是啊。我……我爸媽總是允許我大膽做夢,事實上還鼓勵我這麼做,特別是我媽──我媽和我爸。我爸最近跟我說,他說:「不知道你記不記得,是我告訴你千萬不要靠男人,你要獨立,自己賺錢。」然後他說:「你記得那個嗎?」然後我……我印象中一直以為那是我媽,但我說:「老爸,你說的對。是你耶。」 十一歲時,我下定決心我真的很想嘗試當個演員,他們就讓我去做。 《亞洲名人聊天室》 安娜.柯倫 一九九八年時,詹姆斯.卡麥隆導演選中你在《末世黑天使》這部電視影集中演出,你因而嶄露頭角。他們試鏡了一千名女孩,然後選了你。顯然他在你身上看到獨特之處。那改變了你的生命嗎? 演員 潔西卡.艾芭 百分之百改變了我的生命,對啊。詹姆斯在我生命中還是占有一席之地,而且他是我的一個精神導師,絕對是。 《亞洲名人聊天室》 安娜.柯倫 你也獲得了金球獎提名。 演員 潔西卡.艾芭 對,而且那其實是我第一次穿有跟的鞋。真的是。 《亞洲名人聊天室》 安娜.柯倫 真的嗎? 演員 潔西卡.艾芭 我去金球獎的時候……對……我弟弟是我的男伴,然後大家都以為我弟是那個叫做班傑明.布萊特的演員,他超興奮的。對啊,然後我穿的其實是一個沒沒無名的小設計師的衣服,他叫做馬克.雅各布斯…… 《亞洲名人聊天室》 安娜.柯倫 不會吧! 演員 潔西卡.艾芭 ……一件無肩帶的馬克.雅各布斯。我記得那件衣服,就像是昨天的事一樣。我記得那雙低跟鞋。我那時心想:「噢老天,希望我不會扭到腳。」因為我那時像個男人婆──我真的從來沒有那樣穿過。 《亞洲名人聊天室》 安娜.柯倫 很有意思。我想,這讓你的事業起飛了。你出演《萬惡城市》電影,被塑造成這麼一個性感尤物,但你會覺得自己被定型、大家對於你的本質有某種先入為主的看法嗎? 演員 潔西卡.艾芭 我想任何一個跨入這一行的年輕女性……他們好像會把你們全歸為那一類的人……那東西,然後你……別人會……看你是演什麼角色,你在推銷什麼雜誌,或是你在賣哪部電影。這就有點像是看你用什麼角度,對吧?女生想成為你的閨密,男生想約你,那就是有點……女主角就是那麼一回事。所以我非常感恩可以過我現在的生活,還有生命中給予我的所有機會,肯定的。 《亞洲名人聊天室》 安娜.柯倫 你想念演戲嗎? 演員 潔西卡.艾芭 想啊。對啊,我會想念。而且……對啊,有點像是……就是說,這就像是我內心的一部分。像是一項熱愛的事物。 《亞洲名人聊天室》 安娜.柯倫 那麼將來你會想演哪種角色呢? 演員 潔西卡.艾芭 很奇怪。我喜歡拍動作片。 《亞洲名人聊天室》 安娜.柯倫 是喔。 演員 潔西卡.艾芭 對,我真的喜歡。我希望我有機會演喜劇。我喜歡逗大家笑。我喜歡拍動作片。劇情片……也很有趣,不過我真的喜歡……我喜歡喜劇和動作片。 《亞洲名人聊天室》 安娜.柯倫 我們希望看你回到……回歸大銀幕。 政治 The Hardest Race 2020 美國總統大選 前哨戰開跑! 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Pei 華裔現代主義建築大師貝聿銘日前逝世,享耆壽102歲。貝聿銘一生留下許多經典作品,帶給後人永恆的啟迪。 藝文 A Life in Dots 日本圓點藝術女王──草間彌生 A Look at the Work of Japanese Artist Yayoi Kusama 追溯日本國寶級藝術家草間彌生的創作源頭,探究為什麼圓點在她的作品中佔有這麼重要的地位。 旅遊 Magnificent Marrakech 北非紅城:馬拉喀什 Discovering the Sights and Smells of the Red City 摩洛哥古城馬拉喀什數百年來歷經興衰跌宕,過客來來去去,為這裡創造出一種神秘而獨特的混搭風格。 社會 Close Encounters UFO目擊頻傳 美軍揭露不明飛行物影片 US Navy Pilots Are Sharing Their UFO Sightings 報導揭露,美國國防部曾投入計畫研究不明飛行物,美軍近期也公布了影片和相關文件,顯示飛行員多次目擊飛行速度極快、移動軌跡怪異的幽浮。 CNN 全球瞭望 Hong Kong Suspends Controversial Bill 香港暫緩爭議「送中」法案 Amazon Addresses Alexa Concerns 用戶隱私堪憂 Amazon推出Alexa「失憶」功能 More Tankers Attacked in the Middle East 波灣油輪接連遭攻擊 美國、伊朗情勢緊張 CNN主播教你唸 北非景點 聽懂CNN 報導 Centrist Parties Take a Hit in European Parliament Elections 歐洲議會選舉落幕 黨派版圖大搬風

Detail Book of CNN 2019 8 No 227 PDF

CNN              2019     8        No 227
  • Author : LiveABC編輯群
  • Release : 22 September 2024
  • Publisher : 希伯崙股份有限公司
  • ISBN : 978186723xxxx
  • Genre : Foreign Language Study
  • Total Page : 88 pages
  • Language : English
  • PDF File Size : 12,7 Mb

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CNN 2019 8 No 227

CNN              2019     8        No 227                Author : LiveABC編輯群
Publisher : 希伯崙股份有限公司
File Size : 40,8 Mb
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